Horizons Regional Council is reminding rural communities to keep grazing stock off stopbanks during winter.
The reminder applies to farmers and owners of lifestyle blocks as wetter soil conditions combined with heavy animals, or smaller animals that dig, can weaken the region's stopbanks.
Horizons area engineer Cliff Thomas said the main purpose of stopbanks was to provide essential flood protection for thousands of people throughout the region. While stopbanks could be grazed by cattle less than 18 months old in summer when the ground was firm, grazing cattle were not permitted between June 1 and September 30 unless approval was given by river management staff.
"As wet weather has set in we have seen a number of stock on banks that have caused minor damage," Thomas said.
"When conditions are favourable these will be repaired; however, it is a statutory offence to damage the stopbanks and landowners can be held liable to pay for any resulting repairs.