In my last Conservation Comment, I discussed the Arctic Polar Vortex that, in the 2013 northern winter, brought severe freezing weather over much of the United States, and caused storms and floods in Britain and Europe.
So it is interesting to see that President Obama's administration is supporting the production of "sunfuel", made by separating hydrogen from water and then using carbon dioxide and sun power to create a fuel which can be used like petrol and diesel. The reason given for this is to slow climate change, and reduce the severity of extreme weather events. For the first time a rule to restrict carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants is being proposed within the next year, and backed with legislation to make it happen.
The creation of sunfuel is a very new process, and some are saying it cannot be done, but the funding has been found and there are many scientists working on it.
Many other nations are also declaring their intention to limit greenhouse gas emissions, and have passed legislation to enforce it, such as China and India. Instead, however, Australia is stopping the pricing of carbon. I wonder what weather events will change Tony Abbott and his government? They had severe fires and floods last year. New Zealand too has not been keeping up with its original progress in trying to reduce climate change. Both countries have comparatively small populations, with high emissions per capita.
In Asia and the Pacific, progress is being made on adaptation to climate change, and four knowledge hubs have been established. Funding has been found in Asia for Pacific Island climate change projects.