Mr Albert said Te Pou Tupua is an active rather than symbolic role.
"Dame Tariana and Mr Hawira will speak, promote and take any appropriate action they feel necessary to uphold, promote and protect Te Awa Tupua," Mr Albert said.
"The effort it has taken to achieve the paradigm shift that sees all communities of Te Awa Tupua share responsibility for the health and well-being of the river in line with Tupua te Kawa is not lost on them."
Dame Tariana acknowledged the importance of the role when she spoke at the inauguration ceremony.
"The station of Te Pou Tupua is probably the most important role either Turama or I have ever been appointed to," Dame Tariana said.
"It is a huge honour to represent Te Awa Tupua and to be able to serve the people."
Te Pou Tupua have the responsibility of speaking on behalf of and upholding the status of Te Awa Tupua.
"We cannot do this without speaking to the communities of Te Awa Tupua first. Our initial task will therefore be to seek out and engage the awa community mai i uta ki tai, from the source of the awa to the sea, to gather views on how the new status and Tupua te Kawa can be best utilised in the interests of promoting and enhancing the health and well-being of the Whanganui River and its communities.
"We look forward with eagerness and humility to undertaking this task on behalf of the indivisible and living whole that is Te Awa Tupua."
Since leaving Parliament in 2014, former Maori Party leader Dame Tariana has been chair of the Parihaka Settlement Trust, Pou of Te Pou Matakana, Pou Arahi for the Accident Compensation Corporation, and Assessor for both Te Putahitanga o te Waipounamu and Tipu Ora. She is an Honorary Fellow of the New Zealand College of General Practitioners and is on the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board.
Mr Hawira is an experienced cultural advisor, and a trustee and director of several hapū and iwi trusts. He has chaired the Ngā Rauru Iwi post-settlement governance entity, served as a director of Morikaunui Incorporation and presented research and advice on behalf of hapū and iwi claimants of the wider Whanganui-Ruapehu District to the Whanganui District Inquiry of the Waitangi Tribunal, WAI 903.