Hiringa Energy and its partner Ballance Agri-Nutrients say they are shocked and disappointed by Greenpeace Aotearoa’s decision to go to the Court of Appeal over their hydrogen energy plans.
Hiringa Energy wants to build four 206-metre tall wind turbines at Kāpuni, powering a plant to make hydrogen, which would be used as an ingredient to make urea at the adjacent Ballance fertilizer factory.
But Greenpeace as well as some hapū of Ngāruahine are heading to the Court of Appeal to seek tighter controls on the plan.
Hiringa Energy chair Cathy Clennett said Greenpeace’s action was frustrating and confusing as it would stall her company’s attempts at the decarbonisation of heavy transport and industry.
“Greenpeace’s motivation is hard to understand as we are all striving for the same goal of addressing climate change,” she said.