Its interior is being lovingly renovated and St Paul's Memorial Church and Pūtiki Parish Hall are now up for recognition as a Category 1 historic place.
Heritage New Zealand believes the church and hall have outstanding heritage significance, and has made the proposal. Submissions are due by March 19, and if approved the church and hall will be added to the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero.
The church is now in the second phase of its restoration, by a trust. The restoration plan was done by Heritage NZ Māori heritage expert Dean Whiting, with Whanganui's Bruce Dickson and Wendy Pettigrew.
Exterior work is finished, and included a new roof, sprinkler system and wiring. In January the focus moved to painstaking work on the ornate interior.
The church was consecrated in 1937, and is the fifth on its site. It continues the long history of Anglican mission at Pūtiki, Heritage NZ says.