How long before work actually starts on repairing the slip on Anzac Pde? Photo / Helen Craig
How long before work actually starts on repairing the slip on Anzac Pde? Photo / Helen Craig
On May 27 I received a SH4 update from Waka Kotahi NZTA with progress reports on slip repairs up to Raetihi.
Good progress is being made on all seven major repair projects, with four completed and the rest promised by end of 2021 – except the northernmost Te Oreore Underslip.
It's great to see this major repair work being completed after seven years.
It's a real concern, however, that the slip above Anzac Pde isn't even mentioned in the progress update. It's now three months old and no progress has been made.
The road is single-lane and controlled by lollipop persons at peak-hour traffic times, and lights at other times.
I might remind everyone this is part of the state highway network and dissects our city transport network.
I understand Waka Kotahi is hopeful it can avoid repairing the steep bank above the slip and divert the road by taking a chunk out of James McGregor Memorial Park opposite the slip.
However, the park is an officially designated reserve and cannot be easily carved up to suit them or anyone else.
I'd also recommend retaining the bank above the road to properly secure it against future collapse. Heaven help the poor homeowner at the top!
I'd ask NZTA to stop mucking about and bite the bullet – get that bank repaired. The ongoing cost of the lollipop people plus the ongoing traffic disruption and frustration, which all road users have to bear, is mounting.
I hope we aren't looking at five years of single-lane like we've had to live with on the Parapara section of SH4.