UNLESS you have been hiding under a rock in the desert, then you will be aware that royalty came to visit us last week. And what royalty it was - Prince Harry received a rock star welcome from Wanganui and it was exciting to watch.
He deserved that welcome, in my opinion. What a top bloke. He delivered a speech in Maori, where his pronunciation was far better than many Pakeha living in New Zealand.
He participated beautifully in a haka, paddled a waka and attended to each and every powhiri around New Zealand with equal interest and enthusiasm.
In Wanganui on Thursday, at the War Memorial Centre, the heavens opened up and poured down rain at the exact moment that Prince Harry was due to mingle with the crowd. He refused to huddle under an umbrella and got out there among everyone and they all got wet together.
Despite all of the cool things Prince Harry got up to, for me it was the collective excitement that his visit generated that made me happiest of all.