Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya tells reporters on Tuesday that she had no information about Hillary Clinton to impart at her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. Photo/AP
Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya tells reporters on Tuesday that she had no information about Hillary Clinton to impart at her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. Photo/AP
LIKE THE diligent journalist I am, I went online within minutes of the news that Donald Trump Jr had put "incriminating" emails about his meeting with Russian lawyer and lobbyist Natalia Veselnitskaya on Twitter.
I opened the Washington Post site and there, nestled between the paragraphs of their lead story on Trump Jr, was an ad for a box set of The Walking Dead. And I thought...
Well, actually, I thought that this stinks to high heaven, but it is still not the "smoking gun". The dead will continue to walk around for a while yet.
The emails prove that Junior (not a naive youth but a 39-year-old businessman who has frequently done work in Russia) met the Russian lobbyist in the Trump Tower together with Ivanka's husband Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, then the elder Trump's campaign manager. They had been told that Veselnitskaya was a "Russian government lawyer".
The emails also show that Trump Jr believed Veselnitskaya would "provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."
That's what Rob Goldstone, the slippery British music publicist who acted as a go-between, told him.
Trump Jr (and presumably Kushner and Manafort, too) were already well aware that Vladimir Putin's regime wanted Donald Trump to win the presidency and was willing to help.
"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump," said Goldstone's initial email, which did not elicit any expression of surprise or request for further details from Junior and his friends.
Finally, the emails show that the US president's eldest son was very enthusiastic about the idea that he could get some dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russians.
"If it's what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer," he emailed back to Goldstone.
Gwynne Dyer
But the emails do not show what actually happened at the meeting. For that, we have only Trump Junior's word, and as long as the other two men back him up, he can say whatever he likes about it.
The meeting in the Trump Tower took place in June, 2016, when Donald Trump was still just a candidate (although the leading candidate) for the Republican nomination. But later in the summer, by some strange coincidence, Junior's hopes for a major Russian strike against Hillary Clinton were miraculously fulfilled.
A week after his meeting with Veselnitskaya, the servers of the Democratic National Committee were hacked (by the Russians, according to the unanimous conclusion of all the US intelligence agencies).
Then, just before the Democrats held their national convention in late July, there was a large dump of emails on WikiLeaks showing that the DNC had systematically loaded the dice in favour of Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders.
It didn't stop Clinton from getting the Democratic presidential nomination, and if the Russians really wanted Trump to win, they should have seen that as the desirable outcome. Sanders would probably have given Trump more of a run for his money. But seen from Moscow, sabotaging Clinton probably looked like a clever move.
So there it all is, and it wouldn't be enough to impeach Donald Trump even if the Democrats controlled Congress. In fact, the Republicans have majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, and Trump wouldn't be impeached even if he was caught in bed (as they say in Washington) with a live boy or a dead girl.
It isn't the smoking gun, because we will never know what was really said in that meeting.
It is very hard to believe that Donald Trump didn't know about the meeting when his three closest political advisers were all there, but his denial will stand unless one of those three men chooses to say otherwise.
Yet he really is a "dead man walking". It will be a very long walk -- the slow death of a thousand little cuts -- but the steady drip of minor and major revelations about his Russian links (and other embarrassing topics) will continue. And one day, his tax returns will probably be leaked, which could be the final blow.
He won't be impeached, but he's not having fun any more, and at some point, it will all get too much for him. He will simply resign (he's 71, so he can just plead ill health) -- and we will get President Pence instead.
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.