BRIDGE Over Troubled Water by Paul Simon and Arthur Garfunkel was the first cassette tape, and first recorded music, I ever purchased. I loved their music.
Our Standard 4 - Year 6 in the modern lingo - teacher was a star and he had us singing all their songs. Well, many of their songs - I don't recall us singing Mrs Robinson for obvious reasons. So on Saturday night we had tickets to see Paul Simon and Sting in concert in New Plymouth.
Then old mates got in touch and reminded me that it was 40 years since we'd dried ourselves behind our ears and headed off to the Police College in the latest intake of police cadets. It is amazing to think back on the experiences and the hallmarks of that time ... the water having flowed under the bridge over troubled waters.
The New Zealand we lived in was totally different and policing in those days was different too. I am a sucker for reunions and so, when given the opportunity of a catch-up - and with a very understanding wife - I was off to the dinner and a few drinks with older mates.
Having spent 24 years in the police, some would expect me to be an apologist for the organisation but I am not, although I have lots of sympathy for the bind they find themselves in from time to time - as long as that bind is not of their own making.