Saturday, March 8 is International Women's Day. It's a great opportunity to celebrate women's contribution to our families, our communities and our society.
This year's theme is "Equality for women is progress for all". It captures acts of courage and determination by ordinary women, who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. This theme resonates strongly in New Zealand, as we led the world in recognising that women should have an equal say. Since that time, New Zealand women have gone on to progress in all spheres of life.
Together we have a great legacy to follow.
Women make a huge contribution, and they're a big part of New Zealand's future - that's why the National-led government is increasing the participation of women in the New Zealand economy by investing in key areas such as education, health and justice.
In fact, under National the participation of women in the economy is stronger than ever. We are ranked in the top seven countries in the world for overall gender equality. According to the 2014 Household Labour Force Survey, women's participation in the labour market has risen to 63.4 per cent. What's more, since 2006 more women are gaining formal qualifications with the number of women holding a bachelor's degree or higher increasing by 100,500 to 339,700.