If you have been thinking about growing your own herbs then now is a great time of year to get started. The types of herbs are not just limited to culinary use, but can also be grown and used for, medicinal purposes, herbal teas, fragrance and companion planting.
Herbs generally thrive in warm temperatures where if kept well watered they grow fast during the spring and summer months. It is this fast soft growth that is so good for harvesting and using in many culinary delights. Many herbs are not only purposeful but can be grown simply for their ornamental value.
Thyme is a good example of a multipurpose herb. It makes an attractive border plant which has small purple and white flowers. Thyme also has a wide culinary application in a number of dishes including meat, casseroles and pizza. Thyme has a number of medicinal properties with antiseptic and antifungal effects which when made into tea thyme leaves will aid digestion and relieve stomach complaints. When flowering, thyme is a great way to attract bees and other beneficial insects into the garden.
Companion planting is another aspect of growing herbs; the concept is to make plantings that complement one or both of the plants to some benefit. Some herbs will deter specific pests and diseases, while others enhance fruit flavour and still others benefit the soil. Particular plantings make good "trap crops" which are grown to lure predators away from vegetables. Some of the planting combination claims are not scientifically proven by trails but are traditional combinations that have been used for generations.
Medicinal herbs