Going down this rabbit hole means that one needs to be vulnerable and open to change, so I can understand why people avoid it. Not knowing is sometimes a more peaceful option, because once we know then we can't undo it.
We can try and pretend we don't know things, but I've found life to be more stressful when in denial, and stress according to Bruce Lipton is responsible for 90 per cent of our illnesses and diseases. There are plenty of other modern day professionals around the globe who are also doing this work: Dr Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Heart Math Institue, Deepak Chopra and more.
They all appear to share a common goal, just different ways of saying the same thing.
Science has helped me satisfy my strong logical brain, and for me has been the missing link between what I feel and what I think. This all might sound simple, and on one level it is.
Letting go of what could be years of conditioning always comes with resistance, not only from our "self" but from those around us. Our change might increase the risk of losing some people in our life.
My dear Poppa used to say, "Carla you can't lose what you never had anyway" which was a nice way of saying that those who unconditionally support and love me will always be there. There's some comfort in my Poppa's wisdom.
If you're new to my type of korero or mahi, and are curious I would recommend just start surfing around. Why Dr Lipton's work isn't mainstream is beyond me: I'm suspecting that the reasons are to do with money.
We all know that we have a system where power and control is reflected through our attachment to the dollar so to deflect people to seek to empower themselves is not going to happen easily.
The work of these new scientists teaches people how to tap into their own potentials first and then everything else follows.
For whatever reason, I've found myself in the position of supporting others who want to explore this new (not new) way of being in the world, and what people can find there are ways to gently transcend old paradigms and create new ones. WHAT gets created is totally up to the individual as my role is to simply re-introduce them back to themselves from a holistic position of body/mind/heart/earth. It's simply ancient wisdom revisited through the language of science.
www.carlascoachingforhealth.com or Facebook: Holistic Coaching - By Conscious Design