The Christmas spirit has arrived early for shoppers wanting to park in Wanganui's central business district.
The district council has decided to allow free parking in normally metered zones in some streets and extending parking limits in the Avenue from this weekend through until January 3.
The Christmas "bonus", initially flagged by Councillor Helen Craig, means parking will be free every day of the week in St Hill St during this period. Saturday parking charges will be suspended every Saturday from this weekend until January 3, while the time limits on metered spaces in Victoria Ave will be extended from one hour to two hours on Saturdays during that same period.
It's a decision that means the council will lose revenue during that period.
The council's parking service team leader, Jo Meiklejohn, told yesterday's council meeting that waiving the charges in St Hill St would mean a drop in revenue of about $9500, as well as $5000 for extending the time limit in the Avenue.