CONSPICUOUS by his absence from ceremonies at the Te Tii Marae on Waitangi Day was our venerable Governor-General, Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae.
The whole import of Waitangi Day itself is to commemorate the formal conjoining of two peoples and cultures - that of Maori as tangata whenua, and those of British bent, as personified in the Crown.
Sir Jerry is our constitutionally invested legal representative of the Crown. Queen Elizabeth II (peace be with Her) is still our constitutional head of state, and Sir Jerry is meant to be her Johnny-on-the-spot to make sure things are ticking over in her far-off realm, as specified by her great- great-grandmother Queen Victoria, in whose name Te Tiriti was signed.
But on the big day itself, the marae was Jerry-less. No Jerry, therefore no Crown - one half of the deal is missing. On the face of it, this seems like a big "dis" by the governor-general. His Big Day Out - and he's not in. Awol!
So where was Sir Jerry on the big day? He was 500 kilometres away, swanning around at tea parties and nibbling cucumber sandwiches at garden soires. This is a bit like the Queen herself skiving off from the Trooping of the Colour and having a leisurely punt on the Thames instead.