We have become used to a daily diet of violence and destruction from around the world. It is probably impossible to follow all of the various strands of global brutality - but if we accept that evil triumphs because good people stand by and do nothing, then it becomes even more important that the information we receive is accurate and unbiased. The world revolves on information.
The better the information, the better the decisions we can make.
The first casualty in any war is the truth. There has been a nasty war going on in Israel since before 1948, where "truth" now appears to belong in some parallel universe. Most of the international news services paint the Israelis as bloodthirsty thugs while the radical Hamas militants as saintly concerned citizens endearingly intent on their quest for peace.
I remember seeing a BBC presenter stridently questioning why Israel was so enraged at Hamas attacks when they had only killed three (innocent) civilians.
For this type of viewpoint the BBC, who should be trusted to give balanced and fair coverage of any conflict, has been roundly criticised - in my view fairly - for the anti-Israel bias in its reporting.