Weaving with flax is one of life's healthy addictions, says Julia Stead.
It is a compulsion she has been developing during the past two years while studying with tutor Trina Taurua at Te Wananga o Aotearoa in Whanganui.
Raranga, traditional Maori weaving tuition, is provided by the wananga as part of the Kawai Raupapa-Certificate in Maori Visual Arts.
The 36-week, level-4, no-fees course provides learning in raranga patterns and designs, basic techniques, growing and caring for flax and tools, drawing and design, tikanga Maori relating to raranga and as well as whakapapa, whanau, hapu and iwi traditions.
Ms Stead, along with mother and daughter tauira (students) Jenny and Jess Watson, have completed the level 5 diploma this year after completing Level 4 in 2016.