What is your price point? It's a question many of us may be asking ourselves at a dark time in New Zealand's sporting history when it seems even heroes have limits.
Without wanting to labour on about the issue that has dominated headlines recently, it has to be said we are a nation that puts people who can swing a bat or throw a ball up on a pedestal in a way few others do. That, of course, can make for some fairly spectacular falls.
Although sportiness is next to godliness Down Under, the reality is that top athletes are human just like the rest of us. Just because you can run faster than the next guy does not mean you are morally better than him, although that generally seems to be our expectation of professional sports players these days - especially those who enjoy a beer or two. Or three, or four.
While we love following the political intrigue of John Banks vs. Dotcom and enjoy speculating on whether or not money changed hands in an honourable and legal way, we are not overly shocked by the issue of corruption among politicians. To a certain extent, we might almost expect it of them.
But sportsmen? Not on your nelly.