Does the thought of becoming fit and healthy leave you in a cold sweat and stuck on the couch? Would you find joining a gym intimidating? Are you unmotivated to do anything? If any of this sounds familiar, then don't give up hope. To stick with your exercise routine you need a reason to start and carry on. Especially when that little voice inside your head says, "sit still and have another biscuit".
Here are our fitness inspiration tips to get you to love moving.
First timers to exercise often set unrealistic goals that are too ambitious for beginners. It's important to start small like walking for 20 minutes three times a week for one month. Once this goal has been achieved, then set another like 30 minutes three times a week for a month ... and so on.
Keeping track of your progress is a great motivator. This way you can look back on where you started and feel encouraged by the increase in your distances and times. If you work out you can see your strength gains when you record the weights you lift.
Are you an all or nothing person? Come hell or high water you've decided to work out seven days a week. But when life throws you a curve ball or you get sick and you are forced to miss a few days' exercise you give up completely. Your expectations are way too high. You may get sick and you can guarantee that life will get in the way. So be realistic, allow rest days, and be prepared to miss a few days of exercise. Then when it actually happens it's no biggie.