The case is notable because Darcy is blind and his mum does not drive a car. So they rely on the bicycle for two to get around - and even to do their groceries.
They appealed for its return, no questions asked, and it worked.
Perhaps the publicity helped. It is entirely possible the thief did not know that Darcy is blind or how important the bike is to his daily routine.
The thief left a note, expressing a degree of contriteness.
There remains, however, the damage.
The bike is dinged-up a bit and may need several repairs - all of which will cost money.
While the thief has done a decent thing, it is only a first step in righting a wrong. They now need to face up to Darcy and his mum, apologise, and help pay for the repairs.
Only then will they own their mistake and be able to make amends and move on.
As things sit Darcy and his mum have their bike back, albeit in less than pristine condition, and that is a better outcome than not having it all.
But the offender is still not off the hook.