That's not a problem unless there is a car making a left turn and is part way into its manoeuvre when a pedestrian steps out on to the crossing. Am I alone in thinking these should be shunted 10 metres further away?
Seconds hang like minutes when you are this driver. Being rear-ended is no fun and your attention is equally split between the pedestrian ahead and the cars zipping off the bridge behind you.
Around school times, the complex arrangement is made all the more stressful as kids shoot off the cycleway exit at speeds that would probably earn them a speeding ticket if they were clocked.
Often they will shoot straight ahead and if you're planning a left turn as you exit the bridge, you now have to look over your other shoulder as well as at the cars behind you and the pedestrians who might be in front – all the while trying to exit on a sharp decline.
Let's hear about your danger zone intersections — even being aware of them may help prevent a nasty accident.