I remember when "the good old days" used to be a thing of the past ... but now it seems they are part of our future.
Though that should, perhaps, be "the good, old days" - note the comma.
Like death and taxes, ageing is one of those things you just cannot escape and we had Retirement Villages Association executive director John Collyns in Whanganui on Thursday to emphasise the fact that "old days" lie ahead for us all.
As someone creeping inexorably up to the gold card standard, I was interested in the options around getting into a retirement village, and all the other dread challenges that await a person entering the twilight zone.
I started with a sense of foreboding about the downhill slide into the abyss of the aged, but after checking out the many enticements luring the "grey dollar" from our pockets, maybe I started to have a re-think.