QUITE what was in the Government's mind when it framed the amendments to the Local Government Act that are currently under debate, I am not sure.
But its proposal to transfer local council assets into a body that is not accountable to the ratepayers or the elected representatives has stirred up a hornet's nest of opposition.
It is not just that councils such as Whanganui are against it; it is not just that Local Government New Zealand is against it; it is not just that Government support parties such as United Future are against it ... even the Minister in charge is agin' it!
According to Whanganui mayor Annette Main, Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga has said that if the legislation is passed he will resign as Minister for Local Government, a position he has only held for nine months.
There is something slightly sinister over proposals that even the Minister reckons do not stand up to scrutiny.