I've been having a rethink about Whanganui's Cossie Club and the RSA joining together under a new identity - Club Metro.
I obviously missed the intention of the good members of both clubs - those who knew about the competition for a new name and were able to contribute - who settled amicably on Club Metro.
Yes, the name is ubiquitous, and yes it throws up more than 320,000 results in a Google search, but in the Whanganui context it shows a willingness to welcome a part of the community often sidelined.
To the committee that chose the name: what a wonderful demonstration of the club's spirit of inclusion and understanding. You should be congratulated, not admonished.
For too long the LGBTQ sector has been stealthily excluded from mainstream drinking establishments, but a name like Club Metro suddenly throws up a welcome sign and acknowledges the variety of people that make up our community.