Now she has a bunch of new songs and an album in the pipeline.
She is playing a record fundraiser gig at San Francisco Bath House in Wellington this week.
"I won't tell you how much it costs to record an album because it will make your eyes water.
"What I'm trying to do is save money by doing as much as I can myself."
Playing in an art gallery will enable Ebony Lamb to present her songs as artworks. Photo / Kate McPhearson
Lamb said she has a brilliant producer, Dave Kahn who plays in Marlon Williams' band The Yarra Benders.
She has also been performing a lot - opening for other Kiwi alt-country acts Tami Neilson and Delaney Davidson and she recently toured with Warratahs frontman Barry Saunders and the multi-talented former Chills drummer Caroline Easther.
"I love touring and it has made me realise that I didn't really know my own country.
"I meet some incredible people who have never heard of me or my music."
There were some "really old men" who don't use social media and never heard of her but told her they loved her show and a couple of young hip-hop musicians who may have now developed a taste for alt-country.
"They were standing there in their very cool streetwear saying how much they liked it.
"I think that is what I mean about being authentic - people will enjoy your songs even though it is not their preferred genre."
The musician also has another string to her bow as a professional photographer producing beautiful portraits of fellow artists like Nadia Reid.
"I trained as a photographer thinking that it would be my career.
"I didn't see myself as a musician at the time."
Lamb said she looks forward to playing at Space Gallery for a Whanganui audience.
"Playing in an art gallery like Space is an opportunity for me to present my songs as artworks.
"In a venue like this with no background noise, people are really listening.
"I love that Whanganui is so supportive of artists and the art they produce."
The performance will also be a joint birthday celebration for Space Gallery owner Sarah Williams and Whanganui Women's Network manager Carla Donson.
Ebony Lamb: Sound Session, Saturday, November 30, at 7pm, Space Studio & Gallery, 66 Taupo Quay. Tickets $15 from