AS Scotland and the referendum continued to dominate the British media, one might have been forgiven for thinking everything else had come to a grinding halt.
What a relief to find research had been continuing at University College London, where scientists had at last realised prejudice against fat people was as bad as racism. Worse still, it makes them resort to comfort eating and becoming too embarrassed to exercise.
For someone who has just returned from a French holiday - always a belt-loosening experience - this makes sense.
Fie on my gym which put my reluctance to get back on the rowing machine down to mere idleness. Double fie (dammit, Scotland has even affected the language) on my family who make grunting noises as I tuck into a second helping of pudding. Weightists all of them!
I cannot change the family, or at least not without losing some weight to make myself more attractive, but when the time comes I will certainly report the gym to the authorities.