I have been reading a lot lately about the benefits of positive emotions to health, creativity and longevity.
Decades of research has shown that positive emotions such as optimism, joy, contentment and happiness, can lead to longer lives, creative thinking, improved social relationships, and better coping with stress. Feel good moments seem to accrue over time and lead to far reaching benefits in most aspects of our lives.
Bear with me here, but after watching Nigel Latta's recent Killing our kids - which highlighted the problem of a community with insufficient work to go around - I started to wonder if there was a way of keeping people engaged in life even if they can't get jobs.
The slide into unhealthy lifestyles often occurs when there are no meaningful activities to keep people happy and engaged. If we can get more people to participate in healthy activities that increase their daily positive emotions, then I suspect we would have stronger and happier communities.
My husband proposed a brilliant idea a number of years ago on how to boost engagement in a town that had high unemployment. Incidentally, his idea won him an award in a competition at the time so it isn't just me who thinks his ideas are fantastic! His idea was a "Do Something Allowance". The idea was to free the unemployed from the charade of looking for work that simply wasn't there, or for which they were never going to be suitable, a pursuit that can be very demoralising.