The development of the Marton Rail Hub is set to continue now an appeal against the project has been rejected by the Environment Court.
The appeal surrounded a proposed change to the Rangitīkei District Council’s district plan which would rezone around 65 hectares of land on the southern boundary of Marton from rural to industrial for the construction of the hub.
Rangitīkei Mayor Andy Watson said the appeal being rejected was “terrifically exciting” and meant the council could continue to progress a project he had been involved with for a long time.
“It’s a project that I have worked on for, probably one way or another, between the last five or seven years,” he said.
The hub was first announced in 2020 as a partnership between the Rangitīkei District Council, Te Rūnanga O Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, Infrastructure Reference Group and Rangitīkei Forestry Holdings.