THE next election will tell us more about ourselves as a nation than any TV documentary on history or flag debate ever could.
Effectively, electing a government is a reflection of our own values and priorities as we put people above us who we hope will do the things we see as important. To me, the defining issue will be People vs Profit.
Anyone with even a passing interest in our national politics will have noted over the past few decades that it doesn't seem to matter which party is elected, as relentless cutbacks to public service and sale of assets continue regardless. Often these cutbacks and sales make no sense and end up costing us as a nation while a select few get wealthier.
I read a horrifying article a while ago which said everything in the country had been or was being valued and used by the powers that be as collateral for offshore borrowing. Even the dirt beneath our roads was being leveraged. Everything you think New Zealand is has been given a price tag. I don't like that ... it makes me mad. Who gives these people the right to do this? Oh, that's right - us.
We do by voting them in. We do by letting them get away with this year after year. We do by sitting on our hands, worrying about our own small lives rather than drawing a line in the sand and saying "No".