One thing we all know as parents is that nothing is ever predictable with children.
When we move through our parenting journey it seems that this is one aspect that just gets more and more frustrating, especially if we continue to parent without consciously moving forward with the stages of our children's development.
SKIP has great information about the ages and stages of development for under 6 year olds and it allows us to have some warning about what to expect to see happening with our young children. But what happens when the hormones kick in and the dramatic changes begin to happen with our teenagers? One area that can be particularly tricky is the way we deal with conflict with our teens and how we coach them to deal with conflict themselves.
Conflict can increase when your child starts making choices you don't agree with. The more you try to control these, the more you will argue and fight. Fathers can find conflict more stressful and try to avoid it or withdraw. Our teenagers are smart. They know what's good and what's bad. You don't need to keep reminding them that they've made mistakes.
Teenagers need to be safe and do certain things (such as go to school) that give them better choices later. Remember, even when times are really bad, try to do positive things together. Have some family rituals that happen regardless of whether everything is going well or not, ie, pizza and movie on Fridays.