An iwi collective's mobile Covid-19 clinics have had to deal with negative reactions from anti-vaxxers but it says those who decide not to be vaccinated still need support.
The Ranga Tupua iwi collective has been funded by the government to deliver the vaccine to hard-to-reach communities in the least-vaccinated areas of Whanganui, South Taranaki, Rangitīkei and the Waimarino. Its four rapid response mobile clinics are funded until mid-March in the 15-week rollout.
Te Ranga Tupua rapid response co-lead Elijah Pue says the mobile units have been approached by anti-vaxxers, but for the most part they have walked away after having their say.
"We've seen people who turn up and ask why are you here, I still don't want to get the vaccine, I still think it's a load of rubbish, things like that. But for the most part they walk away.