MAY 31 is World Smokefree Day and a lot has been happening in this space in our district.
In collaboration with the Tobacco Advisory Group (TAG), the Whanganui District Council is reviewing its smokefree policy.
Council's proposed smokefree outdoors policy and bylaw are scheduled to go before the strategy and finance committee on May 25 to be adopted for public consultation.
Informed by the Health and Smokefree Environments Acts, the purpose of the Whanganui outdoor area policy is to give effect to the council's role in ensuring we have healthy communities by reducing the prevalence of smoking.
Subject to change, the proposed policy expands and strengthens the original concept to include all council-managed facilities, smokefree hire, smokefree events, allow for designated outdoor smoking areas, and gives effect to council's ability to advocate for a smokefree district.
The bylaw's defining purpose is clarified and specific criteria in designating public places as smokefree has been added.