On June 21, the winter solstice occurred in the Southern Hemisphere, when the sun reached its northern-most rising position, marking the shortest day and the longest night.
At this time of year, a small, beautiful group of stars is visible in the north-east before dawn. It is Matariki, the Pleiades. For a while, it appears just before the sun rises, until the glow of morning obscures all stars.
Each day, Matariki rises a few minutes earlier, making it easier to spot in the pre-dawn sky. To see Matariki in the morning sky at the moment, find the bright planet Venus, then look above it and slightly to the left, or north-east. To find Puanga, look due east, for the three stars of Tautoru (Orion's Belt), and go straight up to a single bright star. That's Puanga, or Rigel.
In Māori tradition throughout most of Aotearoa, the appearance of this tiny cluster of bright stars signals the new year. For Whanganui, Taranaki and some other iwi, the new year is signalled by the appearance of Puanga, or Rigel.
Puanga is much brighter than Matariki and is easier to see in the morning sky. If you want to see both Puanga and Matariki, choose a fine morning and find a spot with a clear view of the eastern sky, not obscured by trees, hills or streetlights. You may need to take a short trip up a nearby hill.