Mayor Andrew Tripe and Whanganui District councillors welcome people to a series of sessions around the district to chat about key topics and to give updates on council plans and projects.
Mayor Andrew says the sessions, called Community Kōrero, are a chance for people to engage directly with the people they have elected to represent them.
“Community Kōrero are two-way sessions where our community can talk to myself and councillors about a variety of community issues – from rates to the impact of local government reform and more. It’s also an opportunity for people to suggest ideas about development and community wellbeing for Whanganui,” says Mayor Andrew.
While the engagement sessions are informal, Mayor Andrew says information gathered from the community may be used to inform consultation processes like the Annual or Long-term Plan or the Leading Edge Strategy. Leading Edge sets the vision and direction for the council, with the goal of a thriving district with opportunities for all.
“I’ve said I want to take council to the people and get a feel for what people think and the kinds of ideas they have. This is a two-way street – we can’t do everything which might be suggested at these kōrero – or at least not immediately – but we can listen and provide updates on big projects and begin to tackle some of the challenges local councils are facing, with community input.”