Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported La Fiesta! You helped us celebrate our ninth festival programme in style. It was our biggest festival in its history, with around 90 events on offer, and a record number of event partners running activities.
This kind of community effort is pretty special, and it's one of the things that make this event so dynamic. There really isn't else anything like it in the country, well not that we know of anyway.
We look forward to celebrating our 10th anniversary next year.
We're already on the look-out for event partners and sponsors. With such extensive experience co-ordinating this event, each year seems to allow a bit more time and space for me to actually participate, as well as continuing to do all the important aspects of organisation and marketing. Many of our out-of-town presenters and participants were amazed at the diversity of activities on offer.
International visitors remarked on the hospitality they received at our events.
One couple I spoke with who were visiting from Germany met some folk at an event they participated in, and ended up at their place for dinner as guests. It is stories like these that remind us that this place is really rather special.
Something else special is that 2018 represents the 125th anniversary of New Zealand's world leading achievement of universal suffrage.
The legacy of our courageous and determined suffragists is one that continues to inspire me in my life and work. Fronting a women's organisation is often challenging, and like any challenge, this also comes with opportunity.