Council continue to take every opportunity to seek Government support for this project.
I thought it important to update the community on the current status of the velodrome roofing project, as people keep asking me what is happening, whether we received Government support and why this project has dragged out so long.
In brief, the council submitted a $26.3 million shovel-ready project
application and although there is no indication of support for that yet, the council and mayor continue to seek Government support for this cornerstone project, seen as a deteriorating asset, not too dissimilar to the port and Sarjeant Gallery.
I am very pleased that this council recently re-affirmed its support for the project, with a unanimous resolution carried at the recent 2020-21 Annual Plan deliberations, saying "Council supports roofing the velodrome, reconfirming its $1 million commitment, awaits the June 2020 Independent Report and is open to reconsideration of further financial support of this project".
A council working party has engaged an independent consultant, Steve Bramley from SGL Funding Ltd, to review the project to date and provide clear advice on the business case, design fit-for-purpose and cost estimates for the proposal developed to date by the Regional Velodrome Development Trust and options for an affordable way forward.