IT'S that time again ... the three-yearly opportunity for everyone to vote in local elections - that's mayoralties (gosh, don't we hear a lot about Auckland?), councils, community boards, trusts and district health boards.
In times gone by, voting in the local body elections was a matter of turning up at your local kindy, school or hall before 7pm on a Saturday, being slightly embarrassed at having to declare your full name out loud, grabbing the forms, dashing behind the screen and the task was completed. Civic duty done for the next three years.
It was often a time to catch up with neighbours and friends and to marvel at how small the classroom chairs and tables had become after our years away from school.
It felt really good, tactile, I think the current word is.
You handled the marker pen and the forms, and the person behind the desk (notice I didn't say "dinosaur" because that would more aptly describe the method they used of making sure nobody voted twice) took a red pen and ruled out your name on the electoral roll.
Then (did I say "dinosaur"? - this is brontosaurus territory) a wee sticker was placed over the corresponding number from the butt (unlike when buying a Golden Kiwi ticket) and the whole thing was confidential.