Einstein defined insanity as making the same mistake repeatedly and expecting a different outcome. While there are numerous sad examples such as Vietnam, then Iraq-Afghanistan, or the entire so-called "war on drugs," there needs to be another expression when applied to one country's repeating the mistakes (recognised or not) from the experience of another country. Call it insanity by proxy.
In the US, the poor school performance of black students (Asians consistently outperformed) compared with that of white ones led the Bush administration and now Obama's to decide the fault lay with teachers and the remedy would be an approach to weed out those whose students underperformed on standardised annual tests. The Bush programme was called NCLB or No Child Left Behind; Obama's was Race To The Top or RTTT. It was part of a Global Education Reform Movement (GERM) and threatens to infect every developed country including this one.
In addition to firing "bad teachers", entire schools may be closed under the programme and the funding given to private corporate-run institutions, "Charter Schools", using a voucher scheme in which tuition (these are private schools, remember) is partly paid from taxes as a voucher. Any shortfall would be assessed as user pays.
The entire enterprise rests on a negative view of teachers as an overpaid group, entrenched in privileges guarded by unions. The so-called solutions rely on faith in the market and the view that private enterprise is better than anything done by government.
Just as the faith in corporate wisdom may be shaken momentarily by such "small matters" as JP Morgan's outrageous trades that lost US$2 billion ($2.6 billion) or the late near-meltdown of global finance as a result of bankers betting the house, losing it, and being bailed out by taxpayers, so also there may be a moment's pause to contemplate the fact that the US educational reforms designed with a corporate mindset have been a grand failure.