Damien Kiddie works full-time at Mitre 10 Mega, but that hasn't stopped him volunteering for Hospice Whanganui for the past seven years. Lately, he has been a valuable part of the team of volunteers at Hospice Boutique in Victoria Avenue, and when they heard he had a new role at Mitre 10 which meant leaving the shop, everyone got together to give him a farewell afternoon tea.
Attending from Hospice were Kelly Scarrow and Hospice Whanganui chief executive Davene Vroon.
When people think of Hospice volunteers, especially those working in a shop like Hospice Boutique, they think of people a bit older, but this young Maori man has won his way into the hearts of staff and customers alike.
"Each Friday afternoon Damien comes through the front door with a big smile and his large coffee fix, that always gives the signal that he will do anything today, be it vacuuming, moving furniture or cleaning the windows. He has a personality that just touches you and the team will deeply miss him but we absolutely wish him well with his new role at Mitre 10," says Cushla Deans, interim manager at Hospice Boutique. She was unable to make it to the afternoon tea.
Davene had the chance to say a few words before the team tucked into the homemade spread on the backroom table.
"I know how much you've brought to this team ... they often talk about you, the vibrancy you bring and what an awesome hard worker you are," she says, and addressing all the volunteers, added, "Because of you, we have Hospice." She acknowledges the long drive Damien makes from his home at Matahiwi on the Whanganui River Road to attend his shift. "That is a significant commitment to our organisation, our patients and their whanau."
Damien's response is brief. "Thanks, ladies. It's been humorous working with you guys: thanks for the banter and the clothes." Damien has a reputation as an avid Hospice Boutique shopper.
"I don't work Fridays, but I make an effort every Friday to come in and see Damien and have a yak, says Judy Firmin, long time shop volunteer. "We will catch up at Mitre 10 for a coffee. We'll track you down."