REGULAR, loyal customers are the lifeblood of any business - I think we would all agree on that. How is it then that many of the big players in our market concern themselves, almost obsessively, with market share by building up numbers rather than customer loyalty?
It is an interesting debate, and a little bit irksome when you have been a loyal customer for many years and find that there are stellar offers made to people who may never have used your supplier's products or services. This is especially the case when that particular business has a monopoly.
I can admit to seriously considering cancelling a long-held SkyTV subscription to take advantage of a special offer they had at one time or another. The advent of Netflix and Lightbox means that there is now added incentive in this market to "try out new things" and return later like the prodigal son. The only thing keeping me there right now is ESPN and the appetite of the females in our household for the Living Channel.
The key to client acquisition strategies is targeting and then winning over the "high-value" customers, and for that you need to understand first who that "ideal customer" is. In the first instance, what you want are clients who earn you margin and will either grow their spend with you and/or bring intangible benefits like referrals.
Regardless of your preferences, however, recruitment of this kind does not come without risk or the need for investment. In some cases you may even need to take a hard look at yourself, your business and how you are operating to attract new customers and retain existing ones.