Teamwork in business is crucial and I like how Andrew Carnegie puts it: "[It] is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments towards organisational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."
Without teamwork, mankind would not have achieved the momentous things that it has and we wouldn't have the lives that we have today.
The most effective teams are the right mix of skills and the personality profiles. Management harnesses this mix in the right way to get results by knowing their team really well and assigning them the right roles.
If you test the profiles of your people, you might be surprised with the results. You might think you have an extrovert in your team when really they are an introvert, for example. The most cohesive teams have a balance of skills and talents, and diversity properly harnessed can be extremely powerful. So the lesson is not to have Dan Carter propping the scrum.
Great teams also have the opportunity to apply those skills and be creative, so it's important to allow your people the opportunity to grow and not force them into a box.