The manager saw that the team was not a team and was most vexed. After looking up "vex" in the dictionary, it was clear the team needed to be more collaborative.
They needed a shared vision in order to go forward, progressing the mission statement, enhancing deliverables, meeting the wider goals within the diverse paradigm congruent with blue sky thinking and greenfields approach to the brightline horizon.
The Manager, dazzled by self-talk and possibilities, called the consultant and said the sky is falling on my team. The consultant had a company called Let's Work Together . Sensing a large fee falling from the sky, he began doing the paperwork via a shell company based in Liechtenstein.
Let's Work Together then contacted the Manager and offered, for a fee smaller than the team's yearly budget but larger than the team's total salary bill, to make, yea even force, the team to become collaborative. The deal was done and the following week the providers of Let's Work Together arrived and assembled the staff to introduce the framework of their programme.
"You need to become innovators, imaginators and unleash your potential on your unsuspecting colleagues. To do this we will divide you into a Red team and a Blue team. One will be called Star Treksonians, the other StarWarzonians. The monogrammed uniforms will be given out shortly. Each team will complete a personality test that will categorise members as either Wookies, Spocks, Ewoks or Yodas, depending on measured individual traits such as cuteness, speech mannerisms, dogmatic insistence on logic, grasp of basic grammar and amount of body hair.