Birthright Wanganui has been doing good work for children in the community since 1959, and this week is Christmas appeal time.
"We're asking for new gifts for children aged 0 to 13," says Birthright Wanganui manager Barbara Young. "And if anybody wants to give us vouchers we'll give them to the older children." There will also be a lucky dip box for parents because Birthright sometimes gets given Christmas mince pies or boxes of chocolates and the like.
"We've got all the knitting from the Gonville Knitters which we will be distributing through Christmas and into next year. It's wonderful what the knitters have done," says Barbara. "More than 1000 pieces. The knitted toys will be good for babies at Christmas and we can give new babies something special. The rugs will always be of use for adults as well as children. Also the Rivercity Quilters have given us another 20 or so quilts for distribution."
Birthright has a raffleof two quilts, selling tickets at Trafalgar Square. Christmas gifts can be dropped off at Wanganui Chronicle's office at 100 Guyton St or at Birthright at 244 Victoria Ave.
You can also become a "Friend of Birthright Wanganui" with a $15 annual donation, or $25 for a business. "We use that money so kids can attend holiday programmes and extra-curricular activities," says Barbara. Friends are recognised with a morning tea early in the year. Apply at the Birthright office.
Part of Barbara's job is to maintain the funding stream to equip such programmes as the parenting course. The course is provided free for parents. "That can be for mum, dad, grandma or granddad, because we do have quite a number of grandparents raising grandchildren."
"We do get donations from local organisations. We've just had one from the United Lodge of Whanganui and one from Wanganui Ukulele Orchestra." Barbara says she's happy to talk to groups that would like to know more about Birthright Wanganui. Birthright now has a new logo but Barbara says nothing has changed apart from that. "We're still looking after families led by one parent," she says. There are 144 families and 320 children on the books, but there is a waiting list. "We will be enrolling new people in January."
She says the majority of the parents assisted by Birthright come from abusive backgrounds, or marital breakups. "They are doing the best for their children; they are not irresponsible teenagers. And it's not one socio-economic group; it's across the whole strata."
Four staff members work in Wanganui: Field workers Catherine Goodhall and Vicki Humphreys, co-ordinator / receptionist Delia Jarratt and manager Barbara.
Professional development is ongoing locally, so the team is always aware of current trends. "We do sometimes refer on, and we will refer to any agency that will do the best for our clients," says Barbara.
Families remain on the books until the youngest child is 18 or has left school, or the family is no longer led by one parent.
Birthright does not give money to families. In the case of school uniform grants, for example, the money is given straight to the school or the supplier.
"Birthright is for the children," she says, "And the families we have on our books are just the tip of the iceberg. We work with the family because there is strength in a family working together."
Families led by single dads are on the books too.
One self-help programme Birthright runs is called Cooking, Coffee and Chat, and while it teaches cooking skills it also reduces social isolation and introduces clients to new people and possible friendships. They can also share experiences and learn from each other.
Barbara says they had people in to teach clients about legal processes, power of attorney, will makingand free educational opportunities through Te Wananga o Aotearoa.
"We have things like self-defence and cake decorating. If a child is leaving school they can talk to UCOL about scholarships. "
Lions Club puts on a day for Birthright at Kowhai Park, donating a barbecue and train rides.
¦Birthright can be reached on 347 1770. Office hours are 8.30am to 2pm Monday to Thursday. The office will be closed from December 18, reopening on January 18, next year.
Birthright is here for the children
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