HAVING had a little spare time lately on account of the rain, much needed by the way, I got to thinking about how seemingly long-winded words like biodiversity, biosecurity, conservation and environmental conservation were and where they all fitted in with each other.
To even find out exactly what the definition of biodiversity is, you needed to visit Uncle Google. He says it means a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems and can be measured by the number of species in an area or ecosystem.
Uncle also says the definition for biosecurity is security from exposure to harmful biological agents: measures taken to ensure their security.
So when you put the two together, what does this really mean to the average man, woman or child on the street?
Let's take a walk in the park that is our own Bushy Park Sanctuary, 24km northwest of Whanganui and gifted to the Royal New Zealand Forest and Bird Society by GF Moore, rated as one of the top 25 ecological restoration projects in Australia and New Zealand.