WE IN agriculture were recently given a couple of challenges, one being we need better representation around our district council table, the second being where do you see agriculture in the next 10 years.
It's the second challenge I would like to expand on, as farmers we need to look, and own our industry issues, let's look at throwing some solutions out for debate, both within the industry and outside the industry to encourage a better understanding of agriculture by our urban neighbours.
Hill country sheep and beef farming has for years been the so called backbone of our New Zealand economy supplying the likes of free education, free dentistry care, free medical care and a host of other necessities of life over the last 60-odd years.
With the removal of agriculture subsidies in 1984 saw Government assistance fall from 30 per cent of total agriculture income to just three per cent.
Today, with our declining sheep numbers, less than 30 million, it becomes vitally important for us to look ahead as in future we may have no meat and wool worth selling in a few years.