COMMENT: There's talk in Australia that their Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton hankers for higher office. Let's hope he never achieves it. This former Queensland cop has such a myopic view of the world that Donald Trump would be proud of him.
Clearly Dutton has little respect for this country and even less for the people who live in it.
He's been engaged in a war of words with Andrew Little after our Justice Minister dubbed Australia's deportation character test as nebulous and airy fairy. The point Little was making was based on what our two countries used to mean to each other, the humanitarian ideals we used to share.
Not ripping families apart, sending people back to New Zealand who've hardly ever set foot in the place and have learnt all their bad habits in Australia.
Dutton said he hoped our Justice Minister wouldn't repeat his comments saying we don't really contribute anything to the defence effort of stopping boats coming here from Indonesia and South East Asia and advising Little to reflect on the relationship between our two countries where he says they do the heavy lifting.