Wanganui's newest sporting club held its inaugural event on Saturday, as the Marangai Archery Club had its land blessed and then took aim for a fresh start in 2014.
Consisting of 12 full members and five associates, the club has set up its headquarters and range on the farm property of president Robert McMillan and his wife Maureen.
They are former members of the Wanganui Archery Club, of which Robert McMillan said members went their own way to do more progressive activities. They have become officially registered with Archery NZ and are associated with the Wellington District, which consists of 14 archery clubs from the capital up to New Plymouth.
On Saturday the members had their first all-day event, including instructions for six learners in the afternoon. McMillan said the target field had to be created by removing a vegetable garden and other plants. "It's the perfect place, just been developed. We were asked to start a new club in January, and it's taken until now [to clear the field]."
The club is also in discussions with Sport Wanganui to run a school programme in term 3. They will have a big archery shoot at Labour Weekend, and another big sponsor's shoot on Queen's Birthday Weekend.