Tony Sundman has been an enthusiastic supporter of live music ever since he set up his bar restaurant on Drews Ave three years ago.
Whether it is a touring band launching an album release or local musos developing a repertoire, Tony is there to provide a stage and an audience.
Case in point, Anny's Jam Band entertains regularly on the last Sunday afternoon of the month, and they are beginning to attract a following.
Anny is Anne Keating, stalwart of the Whanganui Musicians Club and lead singer in the band. She advertised her idea four years ago, and has attracted a loyal group of local musos who, in her words, "just want to enjoy life with music".
There are years of musical experience on stage keeping the groove going. Dave Pitt and Chris Salmon are on guitars, Derek Renata plays bass, Mark Hansen is the drummer and Denis Troufleau plays the keys. And as is the nature of the band, others weave in and out.