2) Finance
Riding a bike is so cheap. No petrol, road charges, insurance, WOFs, parking fees etc. Once you've got your bike, maintenance is rarely over $100 in an average year.
3) Fitness
It's a great way to keep fit. It's a low impact activity that most people can do. And while you're having fun you're losing weigth and getting fitter.
4) Free anywhere parking
No need to ride around the block. No need for coins for the meter. You can always find a spot near your destination to park for free.
5) Fresh Air
Many of us spend our working lives indoors and getting some fresh air on the way to and from work is the perfect way to get some fresh air and sunshine.
6) Health
Riding improves your health. Most health problems can be prevented or improved by cycling. Just get started.
7) Mental Health
This warrants a special mention. Cycling clears the mind and bright ideas spontaneously pop up.
My daily brain gym exercises consistently produce better results after a bike ride.
All these reasons are enough to put riders in a happier frame of mind.
8) Speed
In cities riding a bike is often faster or as-fast-as taking a car.
As far as input is concerned, the only vehicle that is more efficient is a train on a flat track.
In the past the Supermarket Challenge was held in some cities, where a person drove a car, one on a bike and one by public transport.
They had to carry children and get a list of groceries. The bike riders were nearly always the fastest.
9) It's a social thing
How often do you stop to chat to another person in a car? Rarely, right?
But people on bikes often have a chat, compare gear, routes and tips. Kids love it too and often ride with friends.
Many informal groups have started up to have rides and a coffee stop somewhere.
10) Help the planet
Yes, riding a bike reduces your carbon foot print. Do it for your grandkids.
Most events on the Bike Wise calendar are suitable for people of any fitness level. There is even personalised help available for those new to commuting or using a bike for transport. Details are on http://letsgowhanganui.org.nz/bike-wise-whanganui-february/