Last week I was in North Queensland and took time out to visit Mossman where my grandmother was raised - a small town with a core business of growing sugar cane. Although I had never got to visit the place with her, memories of my grandparents and their wisdom came flooding back.
One was a flashback to 1988 and I recalled a conversation with my grandfather, as I was looking forward to embarking on my studies after successfully attaining an "A" Bursary.
"I just love what I do, always have, always will ... "
My grandfather was describing his life in physiotherapy which began in Australia, continued in the USA, was interrupted by World War II and saw the Bell family finally land in Wanganui - integral to establishing the Duncan Hospital on Durie Hill. He ended the sentence above with " ... just make sure you feel the same way about what you do, because you will spend a long time doing it".
Right now, I am loving what I do because I share what my grandfather had - passion. Where my passion is fuelled by helping businesses excel, his was in seeing polio sufferers and, later, general patients improve their physical capabilities.