There are various reasons why open data is important to local and central Government, which often collects the information in the first place, including transparency, accountability and improved efficiency of services.
Government services collect a lot of information to provide services to the public, but what they've found internationally is that there are people outside Government who can use this raw data to do amazing things. Raw data can include statistical information, photos, and videos.
For the business individual or organisation thinking about introducing a new product or expanding, there is unlimited potential in using open data to make better informed decisions and to create magic. For example, if you're thinking of opening a dog-grooming business but you're not sure where to locate your premises, open data can assist with questions such as: "Is it better to operate from a fixed location or from a mobile unit? Is there one geographical area better suited to dog grooming than others? Is it a financially viable business? How much disposable income do residents have?"
Unexpected insights may come from open data available through your local council:
-The socio-economic status about a specific area or region, such as: Can residents afford to get their dogs groomed?
-How many schools are in the area?
-How many dogs are located in a particular street or region?
-What type of dogs are located in a particular street or region?
-Mesh block information (census information summarised into a mesh block).
-Household information.
-Income information.
If you're thinking about buying a house or rental property, open data lets you combine rental listings with school zones, dentists, doctors, shops, bus routes and timetables, rubbish collection dates, libraries, socio-economic data, and crime rates. You can also tap into aerial photos to get an understanding of the area as a whole.
Private business can create new applications that take this source data and create something new out of it. If you're a software developer you don't have to collect the source information yourself, you can now write an application that queries from all the owners of that information. There is an incredible amount of untapped economic business potential available if we unleash it.
For more information on open data visit and search "open data".
-Wanganui District Council IT manager Jason Simons has worked throughout the world delivering IT solutions, including the provision of encrypted systems for governments, banks and corporates. Follow his blog at